Monday, September 14, 2015

Blog Post 9/15/2015 - Anthony Tamasi

Art is an important aspect of our collective human culture, and the differing cultures throughout the world, signifying continuity and contrast between different regions. However, art exists as a form of expression for all humans, no matter the region they come from or where they end up, or even what language they speak. “Art is the desire of a man to express himself, to record the reactions of his personality to the world he lives in," as Amy Lowell says it. Art is an expression and represents so much more of the world, like in To Paint a Waterlily by Ted Hughes. Hughes' poem describing the painting shows that so much more exists in nature than what meets the eye. Not only is it a small pond with waterlilies on the surface, but it also serves as "The flies' furious area," where the dragonflies do battle above the water. Lowell also supports her assertion within her poem The Artist. She begins by saying the artist is useless (ll. 1-5), but ends the poem with the realization that the artist, in reality, is beautiful and almost above her in a sense (ll. 17-19). Art does not exist just to look pretty, art is a product and vehicle of imagination and expression.  

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