Monday, August 24, 2015

Why Art? - Kate Sommer

For me, art is a stress reliever. Often, when I'm stressed about an assignment or school/life in general, I'll find myself painting or drawing something. Whether it be a simple doodle or a painting that takes a few hours. Art relaxes me. But why art? I've never been the most vocal person when it comes to emotions. Since a young age, I've tended to keep things bottled inside for longer than they should be And when they do come out, it's a bit of a mess. So, personally, art is a way for me to express those emotions and get them out my mind before an explosion occurs. For many like me, art is way for people to express emotions without having to put them into words. Rather they can express them through images and colors.
The role of the artist is difficult to classify. Many would say it's the role of the artist to come up with ideas and create the art. But there's much more than that. The artist has to make decisions about the subject, color scheme, positioning, meaning, etc. The artist has to convey a certain meaning/topic through these decisions so they have to be made carefully.
Language arts is different from many arts because it's main medium is words. When people think of art they, more often than not, think of painting, drawing, sculpture, etc - art that is primarily made of images. But language arts requires the same kind of decisions and insight that visual art requires. Sometimes language arts is even harder because you have to form sentences and concise thoughts to portray images rather than drawing/painting the images.
I do consider myself an artist because I create art and because I enjoy it, and to me that's all it takes to be an artist.

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