Monday, August 24, 2015

Why Art? - Emily Salamanca

The role and responsibilities of any artist are both numerous and singular. The artist creates first and foremost to express himself, but by publishing the artwork, the art itself takes on more meaning. Suddenly, an individual work becomes not only what the artist wants it to express, but what the community understands it as. Thus, the artist himself is rendered somewhat useless. The artist is just the carrier of the ideas, which come about from the piece itself. Still, the role of the artist can not be denied in this procedure of carrying out the ideas. After all, the artist collects all the fragmented thoughts and arranges them neatly in whichever form he chooses. The role of the artist is to execute the ideas, but the responsibilities are harder to explain because they may or may not exist. If an artist chooses 'art' as a job, then it is his responsibility to society to produce art. However, if art is just a casual hobby, then the responsibility is to just appreciate others who do art like him.
Unlike other arts, visual, musical, or  dramatic, language arts affects the general population most intensely. Words are omnipresent. One can not choose whether or not to read a sign. One has always been forced to read a book or two. Literacy is becoming more universal. Nearly everyone in our country can write and read, making language arts the most accessible art. One need not have talent in order to appreciate a good book or write a personal statement.
Yes, I would consider myself an artist, though I find myself lacking creativity. I love to paint and draw, but the only stuff I tend to draw is blanks.

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