Monday, August 24, 2015

Art? Or nah?

                Art is the escape from society. It is the tourniquet that stops the constant flow of bad vibes and all things negative in the world. Famine? Then sing. Poverty? Then create music. Disaster? Then paint. Injustice? Then write about it. There is endless ways to distract ourselves from the inevitable hate, crime and cruelty that waits for us outside of our front doors. The role of the artist is to create something that is relevant to their lives or have an impact on the world around them, or both. They have a responsibility to their viewers to create their art on whatever inspires them the most. The arts of language are set apart by the fact that literary arts have the elements of words. “A picture is worth a thousand words” the viewer of a painting looks at and contemplates a piece or art while someone who reads a literary masterpiece creates an image for themselves, from the thousand plus words they have just read. Poems, essays, short stories, plays, all written. They all make the reader create their own image, create their own reality and that’s is what separates the literary from the visual arts. I think the literary arts stimulates the reader to think about the subject more than visual arts do. Am I an artist? I think I am an artist. And I believe that everyone is an artist. The loudest character in the room has their own quiet place where they express themselves through art (Unless they’re a comedian, then their personal style artistic expression is very loud) And the quietest personality in the class has their own corner where they go and create masterpieces worth millions.

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